Play-Well Contacts
Program Managers
- San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara (North) Counties: Petra Patton (, 415-515-0542)
- Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, and Monterey Counties: Francesca Bura (, 408-790-7445)
- Los Angeles County, Ventura County, Santa Barbara: Edie Cormier (, 805-660-6305)
- Orange County, Inland Empire: Chrissy Close (, 949-504-2257)
- San Diego County: Faith Sanchez (, 619-509-3653)
- East Bay: Phil Wcislo (, 628-667-2044)
- Sacramento, Solano, Chico: Mike Spee (, 253-655-7584)
- North Bay: Colleen Magill (, 628-667-2151)
- Marin Activity Center: Kevin Wilmunder (, 628-667-5538)
Northwest, Southwest, Rockies
- Washington State: Danielle Leider (, 206-714-2109)
- Arizona: Ariana Alvez (, 602-818-2773)
- Oregon: Jessica Wall (, 469-918-7005)
- Colorado (Denver): Dom Medina (, 303-325-6239)
- Colorado (Boulder, Ft. Collins): Abel Brockman (, 720-990-0169)
Midwest, Texas
- Illinois, Kansas, Missouri: Jacob Lang (, 224-571-2104)
- Dallas/Fort Worth: Jaclyn Reid (, 214-433-3595)
East, Southeast
- Connecticut, New York (Westchester County): Felicia Lennon (, 860-882-3088)
- Pennsylvania (Philadelphia), New Jersey: Josh Spielman (, 610-755-1877 )
- Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island: Carl Schulz (, 401-259-1703)
- Virginia, Maryland, D.C.: Ilana Adler (, 202-923-1436)
- North Carolina, Atlanta: Tasha Rodriguez (, 678-444-9445)
Senior Managers
- President: Tim Bowen (, 415-299-3009)
- Vice President of Administration and Human Resources: Meredith Bowen (, 415-460-5210)
- Vice President of Operations: Jennifer Gaona (, 602-317-7448)
- Regional Manager: Mike Spee (, 253-655-7584)
- Regional Manager: Jessica Wall (, 469-918-7005)
- Regional Manager: Michael Beddall (, 720-591-4380)
Administrative Offices
216 Greenfield Avenue (mailing address)
San Anselmo, California 94960
Phone: 415-460-5210 ext 2
Fax: 707-306-6187
FEIN # 68-0415940